Ruby Presence Light
The Ruby Presence Light is a status light that displays your availability to people around you. The small compact design allows you to mount the light on your monitor or laptop screen using the included Velcro strip.
Raspberry Pi Zero W Homebridge Camera
This is a combined set of instructions to install an Apple Home Kit compatible Raspberry Pi Camera v2 using Homebridge. I initially installed this using a Raspberry Pi 3 and then wanted to get it working on my Raspberry Pi Zero W to make it more compact. These instructions are specific to Raspberry Pi Zero.…
FreeNAS Jail IP Change
Recently I moved my FreeNAS server to a different internal IP. This required me to change the IP’s of all the jails I have installed on the server. After doing this in the web GUI, the jails could not contact the outside internet. Turns out that when you do this, the /etc/resolv.conf file does not…
Pebble 2.0 Weather
So I decided to release a BETA version on my new Pebble Watch application. I wanted to make this app so that it would work on all pebble devices without the need for a separate application to be installed on your iPhone/Android phone. The only requirement for this application is that it only works on…
Code Share
So I needed a way to have two html select lists. One to show “Available” options and one to show “Selected” options. But the selected options needed to have a checkbox to allow the user to make a “read-only” selected option or a “full access” selected option. Got it? Good.
New Host
Just moved servers from GoDaddy to linode. So far I like it. The price went up a little bit but worth it for more freedom and larger hard drive space. We shall see how it goes.
Week 8 of 2010. Phones, phones, and more phones.
Last week was somewhat of uneventful. Had off-site meetings for work Monday – Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were catch up days, so for this post, I am going to talk about something else. My obsession with gadgets.