Category: Personal

  • Ha!

    Ben Galaviz posted a photo:

  • #mykidsiscoolerthanyours #latergram

    Ben Galaviz posted a photo:

  • Going for a walk. #latergram

    Ben Galaviz posted a photo:

  • Nobody home

    Was looking at my log files today and saw a bunch of IP’s trying to access the xmlrpc.php file over and over again. There are 2 ways you can block these IP’s from trying to access this file and slowing down your website. Btw, I’m running CentOS 6 and Apache on my server. Create (or…

  • Pebble 2.0 Weather

    So I decided to release a BETA version on my new Pebble Watch application. I wanted to make this app so that it would work on all pebble devices without the need for a separate application to be installed on your iPhone/Android phone. The only requirement for this application is that it only works on…

  • Galaviz Story Telling

    For those of you who have had the opportunity to be around more that one of the Galaviz siblings at a time, you have heard some crazy stories of things we have done to each other while growing up. This usually happens during our family gatherings, whether it be someones birthday, holiday or a “just…

  • New Host

    Just moved servers from GoDaddy to linode. So far I like it. The price went up a little bit but worth it for more freedom and larger hard drive space. We shall see how it goes.

  • Was doing good about updating this….

    Saw this post On a friends blog. So I’m stealing this from her. Four jobs I have had in my life: Computer Nerd. (LSG SkyChefs) Sales Associate. (Warehouse Music) Manager. (Gadzooks) Stock Boy. (Imaginarium) Four movies I would watch over and over: From Russia With Love, but really any James Bond one. Aladdin Amadeus Four…

  • Jersey + Jsonp + jQuery

    At work we are developing an application that required me to create a webservice that could be called from another domain with javascript. Hopefully this will help you do just that. I am using Jersey 1.4 and jQuery 1.4.4. Here is my Jersey java code for the webservice: package com.test; import; import; import…

  • I’m really bad at this blogging stuff.

    Saw this post on a friends blog. So I’m stealing this from her. Four jobs I have had in my life:  Computer Nerd. (LSG SkyChefs) Sales Associate. (Warehouse Music) Manager. (Gadzooks) Stock Boy. (Imaginarium) Four movies I would watch over and over: From Russia With Love, but really any James Bond one.  Aladdin Amadeus Indiana…