Been really busy the past two weeks.  Have been rebuilding a web application at work that is starting to come together. By the time I get home, I am mentally wiped out. So I have not really felt like blogging. So this may be a short blog post. (Plus, my laptop is running out of power.) Crystal and I bought a new car. We have not had a car payment for a very long time so I am not looking forward to having one now. We finally own a 4 door car though. We bought a 2008 Infiniti G35. I really like it and so does Kylie. She now has her own door, window, and rear air conditioner. For the first couple of days she still climbed into the front seat to get out of the car. One bad thing about the car is that it requires premium gas. Which, right now, costs about $3.00 a gallon. But all in all, we love the car.

My sister from Washington state also moved back home. Kylie loves having more cousins here to play with her, and we love having more family around. We get to see them about 1-2 times a week so we are really starting to get to know them.

Well this post took a little longer that I expected and I need to charge my laptop. Hopefully I can get back on track with the weekly posts going forward. Until next time…

Week 22/23 of 2010