Really having issues coming up with things to post week after week. Starting to get harder to remind myself to take pictures. Need a better way to remember everything that has happened.

Kylie was sick again for most of last week. Crystal stayed home with her on Wednesday and Thursday, and I stayed home with her on Friday. Still don’t know what is causing all of these fevers. Although we did start taking her temp three times a day and keeping track of them to see if we can find a pattern.

Over the weekend we had a meeting with our financial advisor. Yes, we have a financial advisor. We try to meet with her a couple of times a year to see where we are at and what we need to do in the future to increase our wealth. If you can, having a financial advisor is totally worth the $$. I don’t know where we would be without her. Or how we would be able to retire early with $$ in the bank. We go to Ameriprise Financial and our advisor is Mary Dolansky. She is really good.

Also on Saturday, we went to watch our niece play soccer game. Below are some pictures I took of her playing. Ended up being really cold and luckly the game was not to long.

I started reading a little more. Another reason for no content. I bought Crystal a Kindle last year and I am glad.

Buying books is so easy and quick to download. I just finished reading Dan Browns Deception Point. I have a problem that when I start reading a book, I have a hard time putting it down for a while. If I could, I would read the whole thing in one sitting.

Nicole had a Pampered Chef party at our house on Sunday, so Kylie and I had to find something to do. We went to the Apple store in Southlake so that I could get a new cover for my iPhone. We stayed for a while so that she could play the kids video games on some iMacs they had setup. We then went to a skating rink to see if we can have her birthday party there.

Was a lot nicer that the previous one we went to on Saturday. Don’t know what we will get her. She has been asking for a purple cat. Where can I find one of those?!?

Finally, a picture of my dog Sugar. Can you see her? 🙂

Week 10 of 2010