Well it had been way too long and I have not updated this site.(Other than new pictures of Kylie)  I have been very busy at work with a couple of upgrades, and busy at home with Kylie.  Crystal and I had our 4th wedding anniversary a couple of days ago.  Sure does not seem like that long.  We took our yearly picture at Joe T. Garcia’s (where we had our reception) and enjoyed a live band that was there for another wedding reception.  As for gifts, I got Crystal a treadmill that she had been wanting and she is letting me get a tattoo.  For a while now I have been wanting one and now seems as good a time.  I have had a picture for a while of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.You can view a picture here of what I am going to get. I am going to change the flame on the top of the heart a little bit. Just something to make it my own.  Anyways….

Been a very long time.