Day: December 4, 2010

  • I’m really bad at this blogging stuff.

    Saw this post on a friends blog. So I’m stealing this from her. Four jobs I have had in my life:  Computer Nerd. (LSG SkyChefs) Sales Associate. (Warehouse Music) Manager. (Gadzooks) Stock Boy. (Imaginarium) Four movies I would watch over and over: From Russia With Love, but really any James Bond one.  Aladdin Amadeus Indiana…

  • Was doing good about updating this….

    Saw this post on a friends blog. So I’m stealing this from her. Four jobs I have had in my life: Computer Nerd. (LSG SkyChefs) Sales Associate. (Warehouse Music) Manager. (Gadzooks) Stock Boy. (Imaginarium) Four movies I would watch over and over: From Russia With Love, but really any James Bond one. Aladdin Amadeus Indiana…